Accusation, acrylic on canvas

Taste of Chicago, acrylic on canvas

Dear Guests, oil on panel

RESCUE, acrylic on canvas

RESCUE, acrylic on canvas

Oakland Tabernacle, acrylic on canvas

Don't Get Above Your Raisin', acrylic on mounted panel

Heirlift, acrylic on canvas

Sheet Music, acrylic on canvas

Arty Misses, acrylic on mounted panel

Beeotch, 48" x 60", acrylic on canvas

Bro-Sis, acyrlic on panels

Brown Bag, oil on mounted panel

Cat's Pajamas, acrylic on canvas

Nightlife at the Chicken Grotto II, acrylic on canvas

Clique, acrylic on canvas

Clique II, acrylic on canvas

US & THEM: Holiday in the Sun, acrylic on canvas

US & THEM: RECKONING, acrylic on canvas

US & THEM: Chutes and Ladders, acrylic on canvas

US & THEM: Closure, acrylic on canvas

US & THEM: RED SCARE, acrylic on canvas

US & THEM: SECURITY FENCE, acrylic on canvas

US & THEM: Michigan Nation, acrylic on canvas

US & THEM: ARRIVAL, acrylic on canvas

US & THEM: Cut and Run, acrylic on canvas

US & THEM: Aftermath, acrylic on canvas

Clowder, acrylic on mounted panel

Distinguished Vermin I: CHILDHOOD, acrylic on canvas

Distinguished Vermin II: dragooned into service, acrylic on canvas

Distinguished Vermin III: Old Age, acrylic on canvas

Dog is in the Details, acrylic on canvas

Encounter, acrylic on canvas

The Gap Girl, acrylic on canvas

Ghostwritten, acrylic on mounted panel

The Ivy League, acrylic on panel

Hillocks, acrylic on mounted panel

Head, acrylic on canvas

STAY, acrylic on panel, painted relief sculptures & wood frame

HUNGRY DAVENPORT, acrylic on canvas

HUNT the Wumpus, acrylic on canvas

LEG, acrylic on canvas

MARATHON, oil on canvas

Cthulic Girls, acrylic on canvas

Charismatic Megafauna, acrylic on canvas

Nodders, acrylic on canvas

Pink, acrylic on canvas

Pass/Fail, ink on paper

PUISSANCE 2.0, acrylic on canvas

One of Us is Gonna Have to Change!, oil on mounted panel

RAPTURE, acrylic on canvas

Professor Ponzi's Scattered Dog, acrylic on canvas

Ream, acrylic on mounted panel

The Rufus Girls: drag, acrylic on canvas

The Rufus Girls: flight, acrylic on canvas

The Rufus Girls: Squaredance, acrylic on canvas

The Sacrifice of Isaac, ink on paper

SAFE AS HOUSES: CALM, acrylic on canvas

SAFE AS HOUSES: STORM, acrylic on canvas

A Woman of Letters, acrylic on canvas

FOUR SEASONS: Winter, acrylic on canvas

FOUR SEASONS: SPRING, acrylic on canvas

FOUR SEASONS: SUMMER, acrylic on canvas

Four Seasons: Fall, acrylic on canvas

Testament, acrylic on canvas

Word, acrylic on canvas

Title, acrylic on canvas

Troy, acrylic on canvas

Flying Veronicas: Climbing, acrylic on canvas

Flying Veronicas: FLIPPING, acrylic on canvas

Tosser, acrylic on canvas

To the Dogs I, acrylic on canvas

To the Dogs II, acrylic on canvas

Young Oz, acrylic on canvas

1st Corinthians 15: 51-53, acrylic on canvas

1st Corinthians 13:11, acrylic on canvas

2nd Kings 3:23-25, acrylic on canvas

Verbatim, ink on paper

Highboy, ink on paper

Tolstoy, ink on paper

Thesis, ink on paper

Ararat, 2006, ink on paper, 12" x 24"

MOUNTED, ink on paper

Delmarva, ink on paper

Fathom, ink on paper

puissance, ink on paper

SHARON, ink on paper